TATA NANO-- Common Man 's Dream on the Verge of being fulfilled
Posted by Varun | | Posted On Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 9:24 PM

Very Soon TATA Nano.. is gonna be a household name.
I really appreciate the determination of Mr. Ratan Tata for keeping up his promise of producing the world's cheapest car. Manufacturing a car for Just rupees one lakh with oil and steel prices rising, keeping the safety aspects in mind and the also from the environment friendly point of view, it always seemed to be a difficult task , But the TATA's like always they do took up the challenge and succeeded in delivering in the People 's car which is now been referred to as the "Future Car"
I have read a few reviews of TATA Nano . Everywhere one thing was in common-People all over are eagerly waiting for Nano to hit the road. No more car would be considered as a symbol of status for rich and upper class people. It has now become the common man's dream thanks to the TATA's.
It is a revolution in the field of Automobiles for instance the cheapest car in the US costs $10000 , people can buy four Tata Nanos for the same price. It is not the price alone that matters but what makes the Tata Nano really special is that despite its low price no comprise has been made on safety and quality. It comes with State of the art features with a rear mounted all aluminium two cylinder 623 cc petrol engine with an expected mileage of 20km per Litre. Experts say ( I am referring to myself :-)) that Tata Nano will also determine India's place in the global automotive arena and possibly give a boost to India's dream of becoming a global hub of small cars.
As it has been said that everything has its own pros and cons ,I was just wondering whether the emergence of this car would have any kind of impact. Just imagine , politicans are demanding a reservation for parking space all over the country for Tata Nano. Servants/Maid coming late due to tyre puncture of their Nano. Tata Nano has definitely forced the global automotive players to rethink about this small car segment. Pollution already reaching alarming levels will touch new heights after introduction of many small cars in the market.Year 2008 will witness the launch of another 40 new models on Indian Roads. With Cars increasing at such an pace, environmentalists will be definitely be more concerned about its impact on weather.
Before signing off, One Final word. TATA Nano is not Just a one lakh rupee car, its India 's answer to their critics who always have a doubt about India's technical competence on global scene.
There 's Lot to more to come.. Nano is just a humble beginning. The World will see more as to what we Indians are capable of.
Stay tuned!
Regards, Varun