The End of BHUTTO Era!
Posted by Varun | | Posted On Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 9:07 PM

December 27, 2007. Time : 7.45 pm IST
I have just returned home from office after a hectic day 's work. As soon as i enter my house, i am greeted with the news which just shocked me right from top to bottom. " BENAZIR ASSASINATED "
It really took me some time to realise that fact that she is no more . I was an ardent lover of her charismatic personlaity. She was the face of Modern Pakistan to the rest of the world. I really wonder what drove Benazir to lead the cause of Democracy in Pakistan when she was totally aware of the fact that her life was under constant threat from extremists.
It might be possible that people might have developed sympathy towards her after her untimely death. But she was one powerful lady who people felt might have changed the course of Pakistan 's future from shambles to prosperity.But the facts and past record of hers is entirely against the above belief of her people. Her tenure as the first prime minster of Pakistan is considered as the most corrupted one in the history of the Pakistan Politics.
Her political behaviour was of contradictory nature . Her style of Politics was kind of Liberal and Complex. On one front she used her Father 's mantle Mr. Z.A Bhutto to gather the Votes for Her Side and promote her Party's brand image by giving promises of a developed and prosperous Pakistan and on other hand she herself had to resign from the Government on corruption charges.I personally feel that she had something in her which made people to believe that she might be the future of Pakistan at this junction.Pakistan 's People Party (PPP) for the first time since its inception finds itself without a charismatic and powerful leader. The younger generation is now been seen as the next option to lead the party which is still being groomed. Bilawal Ali Bhutto , son of the late Benazir Bhutto might have to not only worry about his studies but also about the impending dangerous world of Pakistan Politics.
Whatever it is the world has lost a dynamic leader who had the potential to bring in Democracy back to track in Pakistan. This loss will surely hurt Pakistan and it will take sometime fro her to recover from this shock.
God Bless her Soul and make a Pakistan a Better living Place.
Regards, Varun