Three Stupid Stages of Life~
Posted by Varun | | Posted On Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 10:25 PM
Hello Everyone!
I got this email from one of my friend and it was so good that i wanted it to share it with you guys! The email was titled was " The Three Stupid Stages of Life "
Stage 1. Teen age: Have Time + Energy …but No Money

Stage 2. Working Age:
Have Money + Energy …but No Time

Stage 3. Old age:
Have Time + Money …but no Energy

I got this email from one of my friend and it was so good that i wanted it to share it with you guys! The email was titled was " The Three Stupid Stages of Life "
Stage 1. Teen age: Have Time + Energy …but No Money

Stage 2. Working Age:
Have Money + Energy …but No Time

Stage 3. Old age:
Have Time + Money …but no Energy

Anyways, Today is Raksha Bandan! Wish you a happy and prosperous rakshabandan day!
Thank You!
~Warm Rdgs,Varun~